Welcome May!
Spring is actually here, Hooray!
Do you have your NFRA 50/50 ticket yet? The pot always grows quickly in the weeks leading up to the draw. Draw #6 will be on June 26th. Make sure your name is in!

NFRA’s Firewood Raffle tickets are selling fast!
Don’t miss getting yours this year.
Only 2000 tickets are available, get yours soon!

Tickets are available at these fine retailers, supporting our community:
• AJ’s Trading Post, Hwy 61
• Canadian Tire, 1221 Arthur St
• Chaschuk Enterprises Ltd, 36 Barrie Drive
• Floyd’s Glass 316 Euclid Ave.
• Green Acre Variety, Hwy 595
• Neebing Municipal Office, Hwy 61
• Pines Hardware, Kakabeka Falls
• Rosslyn Service, 3404 Rosslyn Rd
• Santorelli Car/Truck Stop, Hwy 130
• South Neebing Variety, Hwy 61
• Thunder Bay Co-op and Farm Supplies, 560 Boundary Drive
• Thunder Oak Cheese Farm, 661 Boundary Drive
1st Prize: 6 full cords of birch firewood that will be cut, split and delivered to within 30 km radius of 36 Barrie Dr. Slate River, ON
Wood and Services donated 100% by Chaschuk Enterprises Ltd.
Value $2324.00 plus HST
2nd Prize: 4 full cords of birch firewood that will be cut, split and delivered to within 30 km radius of 36 Barrie Dr. Slate River, ON
Wood and Services donated 100% by Chaschuk Enterprises Ltd.
Value $1666.00 plus HST
Draw Date: Monday, July 1, 2024
Draw Time: 3:00 p.m.
Draw location: Neebing Municipal Complex, 4766 Hwy 61 Neebing
Ticket price: $10.00 or 3/$25.00 License: M690546
Tickets cannot be purchased by, for or on behalf of persons under the age of 18.
Prize awarded as stated. No cash value. 2000 tickets printed.

NFRA table at the 2024 Spring Home & Garden Show
Also, have your heard? There is a Neebing Yard Sale happening in our community on May 4th & 5th, from 11am to 4pm.

We’ll be selling Firewood Tickets at one of the yard sale locations: 395 Hwy 608. Stop by and get your tickets and maybe a new-to-you treasure!
Your purchases help us support Neebing Emergency Services.
Thank you.
With the warming temperatures and the ground drying up nicely, we’ll soon be scheduling Can Sorts.
For those of you who haven’t been at one, they are a gathering of community members who sort through the bags of cans (beer, pop, etc.) that have been donated to NFRA at our landfill bins.
Some of us do counting and bagging of beer cans for returning; these give us the highest return. Pop cans (and canned good cans) go into separate bags and re valued by weight.
We spend 2 hours, sometimes 3 if the sun is out and the conversation is good , on a Saturday morning doing our part to raise funds for Neebing Emergency Services.
If you’d like to know when & where our next ‘Sort’ will be, just drop us an email at nfraevents@gmail.com. Come out and Join Us!

Be safe, be well and be kind.
Joy Harris
NFRA – President
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