Hello Neebing Neighbors!
We’ve made it to March! 🍀 The month of Daylight Saving Time, St. Patrick’s Day and the 1st day of SPRING!
What’s New?
I’m glad you asked! There are so many things to tell you:
- There will be a new WOOD RAFFLE this year! 🪵 (Details soon).
- Last day to purchase tickets for our latest Online 50/50 Draw is March 26th, draw on March 27th! 💰
- NFRA Board of Directors remains the same, 7 dedicated individuals all said YES to another year 😊
- Equivalent to over 9 dumptruck loads of cans diverted from Neebing Landfills in 2023! 🚚 (See below)
- Come find us April 5-7 at the 2024 Home and Garden Show in the Cardinal Room of the CLE! 🌳 Wood Raffle tickets will be available!
- The Lakehead Region Conservation Authority’s Little Trout Day by the Bay is back this year in August. Stop by our BBQ! 🍔
- NFRA will also be at the 100th Anniversary of Blake Hall in September. Stop by our BBQ and raffle ticket table! 🎟️
Fire Wood Raffle
Chaschuk Enterprises Ltd has generously donated 10 cords of cut/split firewood for NFRA to raffle off! Tickets will be available in early Spring with a draw date of July 1st! So once you see tickets on sale, make sure to get yours quickly. You don’t want to miss this great opportunity.
If you haven’t already, be sure to enter our new 50/50 raffle!
More tickets, more chances to win! Draw date March 27th, 2024

As always, you will be helping us support Neebing Emergency Services.
Annual General Meeting Results
President | Joy Harris |
Vice President | Mary Ann Beckwith |
Treasurer | Clara Butikofer |
Secretary | Karen Davies |
At-Large | Delma Stajkowski |
At-Large | Nancy Luckai |
At-Large | Kris Ligate |

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This is approximately the volume of cans you’ve helped divert from our landfills!!! We filled 62 mini bulk bags at 64 cubic feet each! That equals 3964 cubic feet!!!
Each time you place your bagged pop or beer cans into a NFRA bin, you not only help fund Neebing Emergency Services, you help prolong the life of our landfills. Your efforts today can save you tax dollars in the future. Thank you!!
P.S. We’ve noticed many bags of returnable beer cans being placed in the large shipping containers. Once you’ve placed them there, they cannot be moved. These will be taken away for recycling. 🙁 If you placed them, instead, into a NFRA bin you would be helping fund our emergency services. 😊

Thank you for your unwavering support. You help make Neebing the great
place it is to live.
Be safe, be well and be kind.
Joy Harris
NFRA – President
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