It is August already! Oh My! Do you have your NFRA online 50/50 tickets yet? This draw you will have 2 chances to win!
For the first time, NFRA is having a $500 Early Bird Draw! It will be held on August 7th, so you haven’t much time. Think what you could do with the extra money! The winner’s name goes back in for the final draw on September 25th. Two chances!
It’s a great time to buy your tickets, or to buy a few more.

It’s Summer! And what is summer without a barbeque? NFRA is pleased to host a charity BBQ at Neebing’s 1st Fishing Derby and the LRCA’s Day By the Bay at Little Trout Bay Conservation Area on August 24th.
We will be serving hamburgers and hotdogs with chip, pop and water also available. Come satisfy your hunger and help NFRA support Neebing Emergency Services!
It promises to be a great day at Little Trout Bay, come out and enjoy!

NFRA sends tremendous thanks to the volunteers who come out to our Can Sorts! You make it fast and fun.
Now that we’ve cleared out the accumulated stockpile, we are meeting monthly to sort, bag and count. If you’d like to join us, please contact us at

A huge thank you to all residents who donate their pop & beer cans, liquor bottles, etc. to NFRA at our two landfill locations. Your generosity is inspiring and allows us to support NES in no small way! Thank you for your ongoing contributions.
Be safe, be well and be kind.
Joy Harris
NFRA – President
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