Stay up to date with upcoming events by reading our latest articles submitted monthly for the Neebing News

We run several fundraising events each year in support of Emergency Services in Neebing, Ontario. We assist Neebing Emergency Services (NES) with promotional, educational and recreational programs.

Check out the events page to see what’s happening in our Neebing neighbourhood!

What we do

Serving our Community

Opportunities for Youth

Volunteer with Us

Learn more about volunteering with NFRA

NFRA is always looking for new volunteers!

Activities include sorting metal and aluminum cans, gathering silent auction prizes, and various fundraising events as they get planned throughout the year.

All are welcome, and volunteer hours are available for youth.
Thank you for your help!

We Need You!

NFRA is a volunteer organization that relies on fundraising and individual donations to help support our emergency services. Thank you to everyone who contributes!